Saturday, July 17, 2010

folding money

Hello friends,

Well the summer mission/camp trips with our children has drawn to a close. We have landed back in the boro' and we set our sights on a bit of rest and seek God's face for our next venture. Heck who am i kidding, the next adventure is everyday when we walk out our front, side or back doors.

Let me share a recent observation. Let's read Mark 12:41-43 NLT Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts. v42 Then a poor widow woman came and dropped in two small coins.
v43 Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all others who are making contributions. v44 For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.

Now hang on, don't hit the exit button just yet, hahaha. I'm not going where you "think" I'm going. The observation is this. She wasn't concerned at what she placed in or who saw her place her offering in the box, yet when a special offering comes know the free concerts at church and then we take up a "love offering" why do i always fold my money up like a piece of orgami. Yea, too.

This past week, we were in Orange Beach, AL with 100 high schoolers at Student Life (amazing trip). There was a segment that highlighted the tremendous need in Haiti, and the leaders of the conference asked those of us in attendance to give as God leads. Purses are cracking open, men leaning over reaching for wallets, kids dropping quarters on the floor scurrying around to find them with cell phone lighting, others darting their eyes all around the facility pretending this offering doesn't pertain to them (i gave at the office hahaha).

So I look over in my wife's hand and she has an offering, it's folding money, and i notice WOW she folds her bills up look how many folds she has in hers. You can't tell what president is on the bill. I'm impressed with the precision of the fold, and then it hits me....Why do we fold this up? Are we embarrased? Do we "feel" our offering really doesn't make a difference, but we will give anyway? Is it all we have, or are we like Ananias and Sapphira, who pretended to give everything?

Thanks for hanging around and help me find my quarters, the collection box is making it way to my seat!

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