Saturday, January 15, 2011

will of God

Hello Friends,

follow the will of we pray these words, we hear these words quite a bit when we are in conversation with our brothers and sisters in Christ, heck we may even at times speak these words out to someone that we are not quite sure if they will know what that means...most of us are praying these very words right now as we seek where God desires to plant us! Then it hit me yesterday, do I know what this means? I mean do I really know what those words, the will of God mean? if we stop and take notice to our prayers, it's almost at times, for me anyway, a default to say "and Lord your will be done", In my prayers, i must confess that i have this visual in my mind of what EVERYTHING should look like, but I'm being a good little prayer warrior and offering this up to God for His blessing.....or, or the actual "thing" that is under my microscope, you know just praying my guts out, and then the words come out....with this emotion attached.... (mind you unspoken just in my noggin) and if it can't look like I want it, then Your will be done....hahaha....does anyone else ever do that?

aren't we a funny bunch...but take a peek, Jesus spoke these very words. Yea, go grab your Bible, or your techno device that holds the version of the Bible you are reading. The first time we see this particular greek word, thelema, is in Matthew 6:10 it will be a familiar verse as Jesus is teaching his disciples a prayer and we see your will be done or depending on your translation you'll see thy will. 61 more times this word appears in the NT and the meaning of the word is:

1. What one wishes or has determined shall be done

a. of the purpose of God to bless mankind through Christ

b. of what God wishes to be done by us

1. commands, precepts

2. will, choice, inclination, desire, pleasure

Wow, isn't that neat!!! The will of God (the part of the definition from above that states of what God wishes to be done by us)is exactly what you guys have been doing for years, and now starting to do in a more intentional, a more community mind set with our families at our side. We started Sunday living out our gifts with each other, by praying, by serving, by sharing our fears, by expressing areas where we are pushing back, by living out the Will of GOD!

Let His voice be heard over your vocal chords and actions

love em up!

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