Friday, February 4, 2011


Aaaahhhhhh these are the moments! Yes the moment right before you climb in that roller coaster you have been staring at for an hour, with others urging you on, but your stomach is just balled up in knots you are fighting yourself….but really really really deep down you are wanting to give it a go, but fear still has a grip…those moments before you step in the batter's box for the first time with a guy out there throwing 900 mile an hour fast balls, well it seems that way, and you're wondering do I really like this game that much?….or that moment before you mount the balance beam for the first time after hours of practice, thinking is this worth it?….come on you remember the moments in your life when you stood face to face with what you truly desired, what you knew and now know God has gifted you to be and in your being the doing overflows….

this is that moment when we decide to serve!

give something a whirl you have never done before (ESPECIALLY our Children). Let's model what stepping through our fear LOOKS like…oh we've told em before as we shove them in a room with others who are squalling their eyes out, hahaha…….let them walk beside you as you walk out to greet someone for the first time, let em hear your voice crack when you greet someone and describe who Jesus Christ is about for the first time, let em hear you pray for your flesh to die to self and be led by the Holy Spirit to serve, heck let them pray for you. let's actually allow ourselves the room skin our knees while serving in an area for the first time. Lets continue to celebrate as individuals start stepping through their fear by tapping into this Perfect love we will discuss Saturday….. these will be your moments for a life time, but you must walk through the first to have a trillion. Let this new season be your moment to serve Jesus CHrist!

oh hey! the lap bar is coming down….glad you climbed aboard….(click click click click click) this first hill is a DOOOOOOZZZYYYY…put your hands up, its more fun……….OUCH! your cutting the circulation off my arm, LET GO!

love em up!

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