Tuesday, August 24, 2010

take a chance

Boy this will open up some memory vaults for folks......ABBA came out with this song "Take a chance on me"...come on you remember, don't act like you don't remember what you were wearing in the late 70's early 80's. I'll go ahead and age myself, i graduated high school in 1982, so I remember the fashion....uh oh....wait a minute...the stuff we were wearing in the 80's, I'm seeing the kids wear now. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! OH MY GOSH.....This is GREAT, well for some, but boy the years are flying aren't they folks.

In our earlier years, we were willing to take chances weren't we? Especially when it came to asking a girl out. Man the nerves, the asking the potential date's friends 5 kazillion times "do you think she'll go out with me" "did she say she would?" Ok here I go....."are you sure?" Will you go already, we do go and the yes is delivered for some, but let's be honest some said no. But either way, we would never know until we "took the chance." The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat hang on one response, and so with the chance comes acceptance or rejection. Both incredible emotions to travel through and one in particular, rejection, we start to avoid at all costs, and hence we stop taking chances.

Did you see what just happened, in our scenario above? We have the opportunity to be accepted and or rejected, but when i "try" to avoid being rejected, we then give up the chance of being accepted and isolation creeps in.

We see this in our marriages. Before we said "I do" we were flying around for each other with reckless abandnon. Grabbing for life with each other in every shape, form and fashion. Didn't matter what we were doing, as long as WE were doing it. Then careers creep in, hobbies creep in, children EXPLODE in and our willingness to take chances with each other are given to work, hobbies, children and we look around and notice no one's asking me to capture life anymore.

Some would say that Jesus, our bridegroom, took a chance. And i can see how they would think so. Here is the creator of the universe coming down in the form of man, placing himself on the cross, shedding His blood for our sin's; exclaiming IT IS FINISHED; is placed in a tomb; 3 days later comes BLASTING out conquering death forever and providing eternal life for those who believe and now sits at the right hand of the Father, preparing a place for you and for me (who believe).

Jesus didn't model our way of taking a chance by asking God: "will they believe if I do this" "will they come if I empty out the tomb" Nope, He just did it, Oh He asked one time for the cup to be removed if it was in His Father's will, but we know he drank the cup completely in order to give me and you the chance to accept or reject. So did Jesus take a chance? Or is taking the chance left for us to accept or reject what He has already done and that is accept you and me.

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