Sunday, September 12, 2010


Don't we love it when we can take a stand, when we feel so good, when we are so confident, when we just know what we know, that come hell or high water we aren't budging?

YEA, me too! What are some of those "things"? Politics, favorite college football teams, our favorite baseball teams. Hey what about at work, when we are in the conference room with all the other folks "trying" to impress the boss and the others with our knowledge and we just won't budge on an issue and then everyone starts to nod in agreement and although your outside eyes are not as big as saucers, your inside eyes and your voice are saying; "are you kidding, look they are agreeing with me, what the.....WOW...OH MY GOSH! I'm winning, i WON! YES YES, you then go back to your cubicle and spike the stapler. Sweet moments uh? but short lived until the boss calls the next meeting to determine implementation. hahaha.

When do we waiver? What is surrounding those moments when we just are quite so sure, that we remain silent, or in those moments when we are in the same conference room, a topic is offered and you realize uh oh, not prepared, and then all of a sudden that paperwork you brought in, is incredibly interesting and your eyes can't be pried from it, in order to keep from making any eye contact with anyone that may ask your opinion....we then go back to our same cubicle where the spiked stapler sits, and pull ourselves into the fetal position. hahaha a funny bunch we are.

Let's go peek in on Abraham for a moment. Yea, father Abraham, who had many sons, many sons had father Abraham, I am one of them and so are you....are your arms swinging yet? So let's all praise the Lord right arm, left arm....

God and Abraham (Abram at the time) have this discussion, I mean that in itself is so cool, literally talking with the Creator, and their discussion is revolved around children. Yea, Abraham is concerned that his aging body along with his aging wife's body Sarah will not have an heir, they won't have anyone to leave their stuff with, they won't have anyone to carry on the family name. I mean can you blame the guy? He is in his late 90's still traveling with daddy, Terah, everyone around him seems to be doing OK and then God steps in and says in Genesis 15:5 NLT Then the Lord took Abram outside and said to him " Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That's how many descendants you will have!" v6 And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith.

At the tender age of 100 Abraham and Sarah give birth to Isaac....oh just a footnote, Abram believed, and it was credited as righteousness, remember that, yet Sarai (not Sarah yet) took "things" into her own hands in order to provide what God said He was going to provide, by having her maidservant Hagar sleep with Abram. The outcome of that action produced Hagar. Folks Abram was a willing participant. But here is what is SO COOL about our God.

Romans 4:20 NLT Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought Glory to God. v21 He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. v22 And because of Abraham's faith, God counted him as righteous, v23 And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn't just for Abraham's benefit. It was recorded v24 for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. v25 He (Jesus Christ) was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God.

Are you kidding me? Go grab your workmates staplers and start spiking them baby! This is HUGE. You mean? wait a minute,....but Abraham did.....Sarai sent that maidservant over and they.......but that bad decision didn't effect his approved standing with God (meaning of righteousness)?

You want me to read what again? Romans 4:4-5 and the verses above again? Oooookaaaay!?

Wowzie, I see now that my faith (strongly held belief) that Jesus Christ is raised and that by the empty tomb and my belief in that empty tomb, God satisfied his wrath in regards to sin, that I am then made right (justified) with God and united with Jesus Christ.

So why would we ever waiver in our faith, but yet we do? Or do we? i admit that i did, but my waivering was caused by my lack of belief. My faith was based on my actions not my reaction to the gift (grace) of Jesus and the empty tomb. This my friends is called freedom!

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