Monday, November 29, 2010

work out

Hello my fellow belly rubbers,

Yea, did we put on the feedbag this weekend or what? Whew, I mean!.... walks around the block before hand and afterward couldn't quite calm down the need to undo the top button of the pants and get some breathing room. hahahaha. I pray that everyone had a wonderful weekend spending time with family and friends.

Black Friday is behind us and that brings us to today, which has been labled Cyber Monday. Wasn't familiar with that one until this year. This time of year we also start to think about resolutions, we start to ponder areas in our life that we desire to change, improve or eliminate. Getting in shape or working out will probably cross the minds of many over the holidays as we step back up to more feeding troughs in the name of celebrating Christmas. Last chance "work out"! Yea for the Biggest Loser fans, you know those words. The day before the big weigh in. Has the work you put in on the treadmill offset what you put in our mouth (foot not included, although low calorie when done)?

What is it about working out that sets off the various emotions? I mean even in the body of Christ we can take these two words that are in scripture and run with them. Let's take a look together. Go get your Bible........uh what? oh, you left it over there by the refrigerator, next to the leftover pecan pie....what? Yes the pecan pie juice will stain your pages, that's ok, grab it and come on.....hey on your way back will bring me a piece of that pound cake (yea, i know smarty pants, it's called pound for a reason)

Ok now that we have our appetite built up and fingers adequately licked, lets turn to the book of Phillipians. God is using Paul to coach us up. Flip over to chapter 2. Go ahead and read the chapter and we will come back and chew on God's word instead of this cake. You ready? Good.

Since we are talking about working out, jump down to verse 12

Phillipians 2:12 (NIV) Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, (emphasis on work out mine)

Ok so for those that have walked into a gym, workout facility, spa, whatever the place you intentionally visited with your mind set on working out, you understand the fear and trembling hahaha. Focus on what the verse does not say. The verse does not say work for. Here's a question "why do you go to the gym to work out?" Yea, the work out brings about an outcome that is good FOR me. We go in looking and feeling like sluggo and come out a few weeks later feeling like Captain and or Ms America. Look at verse 13 with me....v13 for it is God who works in you to will and act according to his good purpose. Man o man what a motor to have indwelled in us (those of us that have said yes to Jesus). I can hear the t.v. announcers now

God's love in this person is: more powerful than a locomotive: able to leap tall buildings: we have the technology we can rebuild him, has no need to fear strong to the finish cause i eats me spinach;

You get the idea. When we forgive each other in the name of Jesus Christ we are working out our salvation, when we help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ we are working out our salvation; when we allow ourselves to be helped by our brothers and sisters in Christ we are working out our salvation.

Have a you had a good work out lately?

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