Wednesday, January 13, 2010

keep us together

over the past few days, we (debby and i) have been preparing for a weekly wednesday night class that centers it's discussion on marriage. This has been an absolute blast as over the past year, we see folks slowly start to loosen up, take off the "church mask" and share that life isn't always "fine" or ok, or this week we will start to dissect what love and respect means to us. But as i was looking up the various definitions of love in the greek language, this crazy song pops in my head....see if you remember it...

Love, love will keep us together....
Think of me babe whenever some sweet talking girl comes along....

YEA, you remember.that...I know, i know...crazy.....your welcome,you will be singing this for the rest of the evening. So i run down that trail for a bit and ask; does love really....i mean does the love that deb and i have for each other, is that really,.... do i believe that just my/our love is what will hold us together? What is that love? How deep? and then this verse came to mind.

Colossians 1:15-17 (NIV) He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation v16 For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth; visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him v17 He is before all things and in him all things hold together.......

And so if God is shown to us through Jesus Christ......and Jesus is the one that EVERYTHING is held together......then what holds us together is our love for Christ? So the more i understand and grasp the love, the security, the self esteem, the confidence that comes to me/us through Jesus Christ, then my/our love for each other grows? held together?

So back to my thought trail after the song worm....singing her song, don't mess around you just gotta be strong...

ooopss so sorry....The answer is a tremendously big YOU BETCHA YA...Thank you Jesus for loving us first and the love my bride has for You, and how that love for you overflows to me.

Do you think Captain really likes that hat? hahaha. have a fun day gang!

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