Thursday, January 7, 2010


Debby here...I just wanted to thank you for visiting our blog.  Our purpose is to live in community with some that we see weekly, and others that we may never see.  Our heart is for people, marriages, and how we fit into God's big plan for us!  I learned over the weekend at the Passion Conference in Atlanta (I'm too old, but had the privilege of going with my 18 year old daughter Kinsey) that this life is not about fitting God into our lives, but wrapping our lives around His.  I've had that thinking backwards for a long time.  We lead a marriage class at our church on Wednesday nights, and so we will be using this blog to post things, issues, questions from that, but we will also be using it to request input from you. 

We started class last night, and first off, we posed the question to get couples thinking in how they would rate their marriages.

1) ER-your marriage is flatlining…no pulse…in serious need of some resurrection

2) Critical Care-you've made it to the hospital, but your marriage is in serious need of treatment…it could go either way at this point.

3) Check Up-You're just in need of a routine check-up. You are coming in to make sure everything is working. You have a few sputters and bumps, but you are taking your vitamins and actively working at your marriage.

4) Spa-it's all good…Your marriage is strong. You are communicating. Working daily at making your marriage a priority, knowing that your work is never done.

Where is your marriage?  How did it get there?  We'd love to hear from ya!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!! can't wait to see the people that post and the way people are loved through their situations!!!
